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Blog Archive

You Deserve Better Feb 12th, 2025

You deserve better.   Let’s face it, the health care system is not running optimally today.  There are long wait times, administrative burdens, frustrations, and delays.   I pride myself on offering exceptional patient care with quick response times, however, this is becoming challenging for reasons outside of my control. ...

What is stopping you? Jan 24th, 2025

The new year will always bring thoughts of resolutions or goals.  The best intentions accompany these ambitions.     There are many things that can derail the road to achieving the goals.  Some are absolutely understandable, others more mental roadblocks that we use to self-sabotage.  We may not realize this, and...

Staying Active in Cooler Weather Oct 5th, 2024

It is easy to go outdoors when the weather is ideal.  Those temperate days when it is sunny and warm, but not too hot and there are no excuses to enjoying the great outdoors.  However, as the temps start to dip and the rains starts to fall, it requires a...

Setting you up for Success Jul 19th, 2024

We all know how it feels to be set up for failure, but what about getting set up for success?   When you start working with our clinic we will ask you about your health goals and what are your expectations of working with us.  We take this very seriously. ...

2024 New Year's Resolution: Have Fun! Jan 3rd, 2024

2024 Resolution:  Have Fun!   New Year’s Resolutions are popular, yet widely unsuccessful. This year I challenge you to a different kind of resolution.  Have fun.  That is it, just have fun, at least once a week engage in a completely fun activity.  Sounds easy right?   Unfortunately, this is...

Foods for blood pressure Jul 13th, 2023

Summer in the Pacific Northwest means fresh produce and other amazing foods.  The great news is that many of these foods can also improve your health.   Today, we will discuss foods that can help with lowering blood pressure and preventing hypertension. Berries!  There are so many varieties to enjoy.  ...

Weight Loss Miracle? Jun 28th, 2023

There is a lot of hype these days about injections that can promote weight loss.  These medications were originally approved for use in diabetes, but weight loss was a common side effect, so additional research has shown that weight loss can occur with regular use of semaglutide.     However, even...

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone Dec 21st, 2022

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  –Neal Donald Walsch 2023 is just around the corner and with it the promise of a new year, resolutions that we intend to keep, and changes we endeavor to make.     It is easy to stay in our comfort zones.  We...

Giving Thanks Nov 19th, 2022

Gratitude Sara Love, ND   The simple act of giving thanks can have surprising health benefits.  Research has shown that gratitude causes activation in multiple brain regions.  This in turn engages parts of the brain's reward pathways, boosting serotonin and dopamine, which help with mood and pleasure.   One study...

Balancing Act Aug 12th, 2022

Our bodies are naturally dynamic.  The systems that control our metabolism, hormones, digestion and more are always involved with a give and take to ensure balance.  The primary drivers of this balance are the parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system.  Simply put, the parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest...

Chronic Inflammation and Covid Jul 7th, 2022

Almost two-thirds of Americans have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and many of these individuals experience lingering symptoms.  This condition with the variety of symptoms is referred to as “Long Covid,” a term that has already made its way into the lexicon.  These symptoms can be related to lung...

Exciting new treatment option available for patients Jun 29th, 2022

One of the criticisms of naturopathic medicine is that the treatments are sometimes not “evidence-based” meaning that there have not been rigorous double blind placebo trials.  Research is resource intensive and often not possible to have large double-blind studies.     Thankfully this is changing and we are learning more about...

Allergies and Histamine Jun 22nd, 2022

Allergies and Histamine   The flowering plants, grasses, trees, and weeds are currently releasing their pollen particles.  This can be quite problematic for individuals who have allergic responses to this pollen.  For many, these symptoms of runny nose, itching, sneezing, and congestion.  These symptoms are a result of the histamine...

Interested or Committed May 14th, 2022

  Interested or Committed   Working with a naturopathic physician is usually a different experience than with a conventional medical doctor.  Our therapies tend to focus on lifestyle modifications such as nutritional changes.     It is well known that food choices can have a big impact on conditions such as...

The invisible epidemic: Neglected chronic disease management Apr 13th, 2022

The invisible epidemic:  Neglected chronic disease management   The current COVID pandemic has shifted the health care focus from chronic disease management to acute infection mitigation.  While this was critical for public health to reduce morbidity and mortality for individuals, the downstream effects to chronic diseases are now becoming apparent....

Ozone Therapy and How it Can Help You Mar 10th, 2022

We often think of ozone gas just in terms of the ozone layer in the atmosphere protecting us from ultraviolet radiation from the sun.  However, ozone gas composed of 3 molecules of oxygen in small doses, has been researched and used clinically since the 1800’s.  Medicinal ozone can be used...

Feeling blah even with normal labs? Feb 9th, 2022

When you go to the doctor they often recommend getting blood work completed.  This blood work can tell us a lot of things about your health, liver and kidney function, thyroid status, cholesterol, regular blood counts and more.  The “normal” ranges for these labs varies and even though your blood...

Is seeing a Naturopath right for you? Feb 2nd, 2022

Is naturopathic medicine right for you?  Most likely, yes.  Naturopathic physicians provide holistic care for individuals and families.  Our training is comprehensive, requiring an intensive 4 years of post graduate training and rigorous exams before we can become licensed in Oregon.  We spend time with our patients to evaluate, diagnose,...

Stop focusing on weight loss and focus on body composition Jan 5th, 2022

January has arrived full of promise and hope of emerging from the pandemic.  What do you hope to accomplish in 2022?  What resources will you need to be successful?   Becoming and staying healthy should be considered a job.  It takes time to focus on our health and the tools...

Have you thanked your microbiome today? Dec 22nd, 2021

Have you thanked your mushrooms today?   Not the psychedelic mushrooms, but the run-of-the-mill garden mushrooms.  Mushrooms are a sign of healthy soil.  Much like a healthy gastrointestinal system is full of good bugs, healthy soil is full of mushrooms.  They start appearing in the PNW fall when the rains...

Exercising when you just want to stay in that warm bed Dec 15th, 2021

The weather is currently at the stage where staying in a warm bed is just so compelling.  The snooze button calls us to just ignore our to-do list.  The cold dreary weather can be so depressing for so many of us.  Seasonal Affective Disease causes even the most positive and...

Dr. Love's 2022 Race Schedule Dec 8th, 2021

In-person races returned in 2021, and are back in full force for 2022!     Doubletrack naturopathic appreciates caring for all athletes regardless of age, ability, or sport.  Participating in any athletic event takes risk, vulnerability, and grit, and that is just for the sign up.  Training, nutrition, and supportive resources...

Noisy joints, when to worry Dec 1st, 2021

Baby goats can spring, bounce, and have a seemingly limitless source of energy.  And we could too as babies.  Aging can cause a plethora of problems and we seem to feel it first in our joints.   We have all experienced a variety of joint noises, creaking, popping, and cracking. ...

Gratitude Nov 10th, 2021

November is typically considered a month of thanks.  If you celebrate Thanksgiving in the US we have the traditional holiday typically associated with giving thanks and blessings for a multitude of things.  For those who do not celebrate Thanksgiving, November is still a time to consider the many things we...

Iron and Thyroid: A Complicated Relationship Nov 3rd, 2021

Iron and Thyroid: A Complicated Relationship   Iron and thyroid hormone are both critical components to human physiology and energy.  Since they are both actively moving around the circulatory system, it is relatively easy to measure as a simple blood test to see what the levels are.     Iron is...

Are your joints ready for winter? Oct 25th, 2021

The autumn colors are in full force and the seasons have really changed.  Leaves are quickly falling to the ground and before we know it winter will be upon us.   With this change in temperature, you may notice that your joints are even more grouchy and creaky than normal. ...

Vitamins, minerals, and stress....oh my Oct 18th, 2021

Who among us has not been chronically stressed for the last year or so?  Many of you have experienced major stressors related to the global pandemic, economic challenges, social isolation, and just getting through the day.     I applaud each and everyone of you for surviving and making it to...

Weak and Creaky Joints---No More Sep 15th, 2021

We get it, growing old can have its challenges.  Our joints can take on much of the usual wear and tear of daily activities.  These pains can be exacerbated when we start achieving our goals of increased activities.     What does joint pain really mean?  Let’s review what the joints...

New Services!! Prolotherapy! Sep 8th, 2021

Prolotherapy is a nonsurgical regenerative injection therapy practiced since the 1950s.    Prolotherapy works by promoting growth of healthy tissues and treats numerous common complaints including sports injuries and arthritic joints. Prolotherapy Q&A   What is prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is a nonsurgical regenerative injection technique that introduces small amounts of an...

New Beginnings Sep 1st, 2021

New Beginnings   September is often a time of change, kiddos back in school (in-person!!), summer ending, and the trees turning radiant colors.  It can also be a time of self-reflection and yearning of what could be.   Making a change is challenging, we often have to schedule any new...

Turmeric: August 2021 herb of the month Aug 18th, 2021

Turmeric:   Turmeric is one of my absolute favorite spices.  It is both a great supplement as well as an excellent ingredient for cooking.  The primary chemical in turmeric that promotes multiple health benefits is curcumin.  Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.  In high doses. It can be more...

Never a bad time to learn new skills Aug 11th, 2021

One of my favorite parts of being a Naturopathic Physician is the endless opportunities to learn something new.  Of course, this is not limited to my profession, there are so many other skills that you can learn at a variety of places: community college, internet, lectures, or countless other places.  ...

The Yips... they are real and NOT a sign of weakness Aug 4th, 2021

Simone Biles gave me all the feels at the Olympics.  Her bravery, grace, and poise were on full display as she made the decision to withdraw from the team competition.  I am confident that she made the correct decision for her safety due to what gymnasts call the “twisties,” a...

How to take the first step to achieving your goals Jul 28th, 2021

What will it take to achieve your goals?  It doesn’t matter what goals you may have, it will require a variety of tools to ensure success.  Whether it be a supportive partner, specific resources, a written plan, or even just setting a realistic goal.     Many people find that even...

Berries!! What do to with the amazing bounty of goodness Jul 20th, 2021

Summer in the Pacific Northwest means fresh berries.  One of my favorite summer activities is going to a local farm and pick pounds and pounds of berries.  We pick so many berries it is challenging to find ways to store them so we can enjoy them for months.   Why so...

Lavender: July 2021 Herb of the Month Jul 14th, 2021

Lavender is in full bloom in Oregon and what better way to celebrate than to appreciate all the medical benefits we can receive from this aromatic plant. I first saw lavender use in a medical setting at a large conventional hospital in 2001.  It was prescribed as part of an...

Halfway through 2021 (already?) Jul 1st, 2021

Here we are already in July 2021.   If you made a New Year's resolution, how is that going? What are you most proud of accomplishing this year? For me, I am most proud of continuing to follow my dream building my business, and the pure privilege I have in listening...

Mindset... any why it matters Jun 30th, 2021

We don't often think about how our mindset affects our performance.  But the reality is that our mental state has a real impact on how we can function, sleep, and even perform daily tasks.   To be clear, this post is not speaking about clinical depression, dipolar disorder, or another mental...

Going solo Jun 1st, 2021

How many times have you not done something you wanted to do becuase you couldn't find someone to go with?  It is fairly common to just stay home instead of venturing out solo.   The first time you do something that typically involves couples or groups can be scary.  Even going...

Mask-ne (acne!) May 17th, 2021

Acne is making the comeback we didn't ask for.  Between wearing masks, differeny dietary choices, and stress our faces are not ready to leave behind the mask yet. No matter your age, acne has decided that 2021 is its year.   Luckily, acne can be treated with a variety of methods. ...

FATIGUE!! May 11th, 2021

Fatigue is one of the most common complaints and it has several causes.  It can be caused by lack of sleep, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, adrenal or thyroid issues, or something completely different. Many times your doctor will order labs to try and figure out the cause of your exhaustion......

Achieving health....together May 5th, 2021

What do you want from your doctor? We often hear what we don't want:  rushed appointments, symptom focused care, reliance on pills... We understand.  The human body is complex and nuanced.  We are unique and deserve care that is individualized.  Not only that, we have our lived experiences that can...

Breathe Apr 28th, 2021

Breathing seems so simple, right?  We all do it without thinking.  The problem is that many of us tend to shallow breath, meaning that our lungs are not receiving their oxygen potential.  When this occurs for long perioud of time it can raise our blood pressure and elevate anxiety. When...

Get out of your comfort zone Apr 19th, 2021

When was the last time you tried something new?  Every year I strive to discover a new thing that I would not have considered previously.  Some years this has been to try a new sport, others a new cooking technique.  Each time this requires a bit of risk, I may...