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Are your joints ready for winter?

The autumn colors are in full force and the seasons have really changed.  Leaves are quickly falling to the ground and before we know it winter will be upon us.


With this change in temperature, you may notice that your joints are even more grouchy and creaky than normal.  This can be for several reasons.  One reason is the drop in barometric pressure, this causes the joint tissues such as the tendons to expand and creates less room for the joint spaces.  The environmental cold may also enhance pain sensitivity as seen in animal models.  


Current research in humans has not definitely been able to determine the direct cause, if any, between colder temperatures and increased pain or inflammation.  


Whether or not you experience an increase in your joint pain or instability, there are many things that can help.  Your warm up should be longer to help you perform better in the cold and decrease the potential for injury.  Make sure you stay hydrated to keep muscles at their best.


If an injury does occur, do not be afraid to seek medical advice from a provider who understands your athletic needs.  Your FaceBook group is not the place to find injury and recovery advice.  


At doubletrack naturopathic, we take a holistic approach to treating injuries.  We specialize in prolotherapy to strengthen joints, decrease pain, and improve joint function.  This modality works best when combined with other treatments such as therapeutic massage, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and others.  


Winter is coming, there is no reason you can’t stay active, healthy, and pain free.  


Schedule your appointment now to find out how you can prevent injury or treat any current injuries.

Sara Love, ND

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