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Stop focusing on weight loss and focus on body composition

January has arrived full of promise and hope of emerging from the pandemic.  What do you hope to accomplish in 2022?  What resources will you need to be successful?


Becoming and staying healthy should be considered a job.  It takes time to focus on our health and the tools we need to be well.  Preparing and cooking healthy meals is time consuming.  Finding time to exercise can be a challenge.  We can only be successful if we are able to prioritize health and wellness in our schedules.  


One other way we can be successful on our health goals is changing our perspective.  For instance, how we discuss weight loss and general body image.  


I have ceased talking about weight loss and instead referring to body composition management.  Muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue so we can see a gaining of pounds when we start weight lifting and doing other strength training.  Fat loss is happening as well as a change in the waist circumference.  So, clothing may fit better even though the actual number on the scale is increasing.


There are many ways to improve body composition including changes in nutrition, exercise, and hydration.  There is no one size fits all approach to improving body composition.  Other treatments include supplements and therapeutic injections which can help the body metabolize fat better and provide additional energy for quality of life.


One therapy that we utilize include MIC-B12 injections.  The components of this are methionine, inositol, choline, and vitamin B12.  This injection can help facilitate weight loss and boost energy. It aids in the breakdown of fat and in the use of food for energy. Your liver is the key organ in control of your body fat. The combination of these medications helps your liver process fats efficiently making weight loss easier.

The different ingredients in this mixture are known to help:


Schedule now to start your series of MIC-B12 injections.

Sara Love, ND

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